
lunedì 12 luglio 2010

Lee Ryan "Confessions" album release petition!

firmate questa petizione on line per far sì che l''album di Lee Confession possa essere pubblicato! La casa discografica ( più che discutibile direi io -.-) di Lee non vuole pubblicarlo perchè il singolo di IAWIA ha raggiunto solo la 33 posizione in nella classifica di I-tunes! Uniamoci tutti quanti per contrastare questa decisione! perché Lee ci ha lavorato tantissimo e si merita che il suo lavoro venga pubblicato!!

Hey everyone! As you may know, Lee’s I Am Who I Am didn’t get to the TOP30 – it’s #33, which means that the record label will not release the Confessions album! We all know how hard Lee has been working to create it, how much heart he has put in it and how much it means to him. We belive, now our duty is to help Lee in other way than only buying his music.We have been waiting for it for so long, let’s make our and Lee’s wish come true! Click on the banner above to read and sign our petition to Geffen Records. It literally takes one minute to do it and belive us, every one signature matters! Tell your friends about it, spread it all over the world! Come one guys, let’s do everything we can to get the album released!


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