
sabato 11 settembre 2010


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Eccoci qui....Abbiamo spostato il nostro sito, ci abbiamo lavorato tanto, affinchè possa essere al meglio!!!
Speriamo tanto che vi piaccia!!!!!

Here we are! We've just changed our site address...We've worked so much on our new site!
Hope you'll like it!!!!


giovedì 9 settembre 2010

We're working for you!

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Hey voi! Stiamo facendo dei cambiamenti....
Il nostro nuovo sito sarà FANTASTICO!
Stiamo lavorando per voi :) :)

Hey all! We are working for some changes....
Our new site will be AMAZING!
So stay tuned.... :)

martedì 31 agosto 2010

Simon Webbe at L'Occitane - 20th August 2010

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lunedì 30 agosto 2010

Westminster Court | 27-08-10

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Candid Dunc 2010

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----->Altre foto qui / More photos here

(source AllRiseforDuncan )

sabato 28 agosto 2010


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Mike Marsland Photoshoot #3 | #4

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--------------------> Altre foto qui / More photos here!
--------------------> Altre foto qui / More photos here

Eccoci!siamo tornati! e per iniziare eccovi delle bellissime foto di Dunc!!!:)

Here we are!So let's start with these amazing photos of Dunc!

martedì 10 agosto 2010

We're going on holiday!!!!!!

0 commenti
Eccoci qui....è tempo anche per noi di andare in vacanza!!Torneremo il 24 agosto perciò aspettateci!!! Per ogni news sui nostri ragazzi non preoccupatevi il nostro FORUM sarà sempre aggiornato!!!
Ci vediamo il 24!! buone vacanze a tutti!!!!! :)

Here we's time for us to go on holiday!!! We'll be back the 24 of August so wait for us!!!! For every news about our boys don't worry: check out our FORUM ! So stay tuned!
See u the 24!!! :):):):)

lunedì 9 agosto 2010

Download Don't stop believing | 8-08-2010

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Per scaricare la puntata di Don't stop believing dell' 8-08-2010

Download Don't stop believing | 08-08-2010

--------------------------> Scarica qui / Download here

(source theolderfans)

Mike Marsland #2 [HQ]

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----------------------------> Altre foto qui/More photos here

domenica 8 agosto 2010

Lee and Antony at the Academy Sheffield | 11 August

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  • TAKE That, Bryan Adams, Boyzone, The Spice Girls and other pop superstars have Sheffield singer songwriter Eliot Kennedy to thank for some of their biggest hits. Now we’re giving one lucky Star winner and a guest the chance to meet the Grammy Award winner and see his next star-studded charity show for free at 02 Academy Sheffield, this Wednesday, August 11, from 7pm.

  • Blue stars Lee Ryan and Antony Costa, Atomic Kitten Liz McClarnon, soul diva Mica Paris, West End lead and pop star Scott Anson, songwriter Philippa Hanna, Kavana and others are performing.

  • Grammy Award winner Eliot will sing some of his hits such as Everything Changes for Take That. In association with Nathan Hodgson Promotions, it will aid Eliot’s One Song Foundation, to support charities.

  • Money from this will help to build Sheffield Hope Academy for Performing Arts, with some free places to the underprivileged or homeless.

  • Tickets are £10 each from the venue in Arundel Gate, call 0844 477 2000, visit, buy from Sheffield Arena Box Office on 0114 256 5656, visit and

  • * For a chance to win our first prize, with three runners up getting a pair of tickets only, enter by text or online, by deadline on Monday, August 9, 2010, 10am.

  • Text STARED3 and leave a space, followed by your full name, house number and postcode, then send to 64343. Texts cost £1 plus your standard network charge.

  • This will be charged to your mobile phone bill. Get the bill payer’s permission. Do not text after deadline as you may still be charged and your entry will not be entered into our draw.

-------------------------->Compra i biglietti/Buy the tickets

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sabato 7 agosto 2010

Shiny Happy Hair - Book Launch Party

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giovedì 5 agosto 2010

Real People Of Wales Awards 29-07-10 !More photos

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Altre photo qui / More photos here

Duncan James and Donna Air with winners Joanna Renwick and Michael Etherington Picture

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Duncan James and Donna Air with winners Joanna Renwick and Michael Etherington. Make me the next model competition final - photocall held at the Old Billingsgate Market.. London, England -30.07.10

Duncan James and Donna Air with winners Joanna Renwick and Michael Etherington

Duncan James and Donna Air. Make me the next model competition final - photocall held at the Old Billingsgate Market.. London, England - 30.07.10
Duncan James and Donna Air


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Altre photo qui / More photos here (scource Allriseforduncan)

Wilked and Antony twitter!

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    Hey!!!! Se ancora non lo sapete è nato il profilo di twitter per dare informazioni sullo show che Ant farà a settembre!! seguiteli su Twitter !!! @Wilkensandcosta

Hey!they've just created a twitter profile for giving informations about the show Antony will do in semptember!!! so Follow them!!! @Wilkensandcosta

  1. wilkesandcostawilkesandcosta Click here to buy tickets for the show

Interior Design quick fire Q&A | Simon Webbe

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The second of a series of interviews with celebrities on their interior design preferences. We asked Simon Webbe, the successful solo artist formerly part of boy-band Blue and currently appearing in the West End in Sister Act about his interiors style.

House or Apartment?


Traditional interior or contemporary interior?


Fitted kitchen or Freestanding kitchen?

Fitted Kitchen

Traditional bathroom or Wet room?

Both – but always ensuite to every bedroom

Neutral colours or Bold colours?


Paint or Wallpaper?


Carpet or wooden flooring?

Wooden Floor

mercoledì 4 agosto 2010

Antony's interview in Lancashire style

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I’ve been biting my fingernails about interviewing Antony Costa over the past few weeks. Antony was a quarter of the boy band Blue back when I was at high school and I’m not ashamed to say that I was a huge fan. Our girlie-gang would parade along the corridors with our arms interlocked singing ‘Too Close’ at the top of our lungs.

I was mainly nervous because apart from the ladies at Freckleton Women’s Institute the most famous person I’ve interviewed is someone from Rock FM’s Press Office.

Throw a cheeky London accent in to the mix and I am practically a mess.

“I only graduated on Friday so be gentle with me!” I whimpered.

“Bless you!” Mr Costa replied, “Don’t be silly darlin’!”


So, Anthony told me that he’s visited Preston before with the comedy musical The Xtra Factor.

Mike Marsland photoshot HQ | with Anastacia

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DON’T Stop Believing judge Duncan James would never want to see his daughter on the Channel 5 talent show.

The Blue singer revealed five-year-old Tianie-Finn is a huge fan of the singing and dancing reality contest.

But he wouldn’t like her to follow him into a “lonely” showbiz career.

The bisexual hunk, 32, said: “My little girl loves anything with singing and dancing.

“But it’s a hard and at times lonely business. I’d like her to do a normal job where she uses her brain.”

martedì 3 agosto 2010

Welcome to our new affilate!

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Hey! Voglio dare il benvenuto al nostro nuovo affiliato: un sito sui Blue che viene dal Portogallo!!! quindi Benvenuti!!!!:) ;)

hey!just want to say welcome to our new affilate! a fansite about Blue from Portugal!!!!!! so....Welcome!!:)

---->Blue Carzy Crew<----

Duncan James' snogs with Sheridan

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:) E voi che ne pensate??
:) And you?what do you think??

Duncan and Sheridan Smith!

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lunedì 2 agosto 2010

Simon at Shrek premier 20/06/10

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Ecco alcune foto di Sy con sua figlia alla premier di Shrek.Forever After!Sono di un po' di tempo fa, però..:)

Here they are some pics from Shrek:Forever After premier!

Duncan at the Next event!

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Don't stop believing!

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Per vedere la 2° puntata (e se l'avete persa anche la 1°) di Don't stop believing!

If you've missed Don't stop believing and want to watch it!!

Secret Love remixes...

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Se volete ecco da scaricare dei remix di Secret Love!!!

If you want you can download here three remixed version of Secret Love!

From Simon to Italian fans!!:)

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Ecco un video di Sy(che in questo momento è in scena a londra a teatro con Sister Act!) per noi fan italiane, dove ci ricorda che i Blue inizieranno a registrare presto, e che saranno pronti l'anno prossimo per il loro anniversario!!! quindi stiamo all'erta !! I BLUE SONO TORNATI!!

A video from Simon to us Italian fans!!!So Blue are coming back!!!!:) :)

venerdì 30 luglio 2010

Simon Webbe - interview

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Simon Webbe ha rilasciato una lunga intervista per
What was fascinating about meeting Simon was his humbleness and honesty. Although he's sold twenty million records with his band Blue, and a million as a solo artist, although as a first theatre job he landed the lead role in the London West End production of Sister Act, he kept stating that he wasn't talented and couldn't figure out how it has all happened to him, a guy from Manchester who cannot really use five syllables words. But once seeing him on stage the answer presents itself: sex appeal, confidence and talent. He has the unique ability of making each one of the thousand spectators feel special "my job is to entertain, to make you forget about all your troubles, and at the same time I forget mine. My job is to make you happy."

Duncan James on finding new musical talent

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Dunc ha appena iniziato a fare il giudice in un nuovo programma Don't stop believing!!

Duncan James has taken on a new role as a judge on a new talent show called Don’t Stop Believing.

Legally Blonde cd!

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Novità in arrivo!Uscirà presto il cd tratto dal musical Legally Blonde che Dunc ha appena terminato!:) Io non vedo l'ora di ascoltarlo, e voi?:)

Sheridan Smith, Duncan James, Alex Gaumond, and Jill Halfpenny will celebrate the release of the original London cast recording of Legally Blonde the Musical with a CD-signing at the Dress Circle on August 21 from noon-1pm. An additional special guest for the event will be announced at a later date.

The recording of the musical will be released by First Night Records on August 16 by First Night Records. The album was recorded live at the Savoy Theatre and features 18 tracks.

Legally Blonde has a book by Heather Hach and music and lyrics by husband-and-wife team Nell Benjamin and Laurence O’Keefe.

For further information, visit: Dress Circle.

Simon's new album!!

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Da un recente Twett di Simon sembra proprio che il suo terzo album sia pronto!!!Tenete gli occhi aperti allora..... :) :)

It seems like Sy's new abum is ready!Hope to hear it soon!:) :) :)

my album is complete all I have to do is mix and master now.

Real People Of Wales Awards 29-07-10

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Ecco una foto di ieri al Real People of Wales Award!Speriamo ci siano presto altre foto!:) :)

Here it is a photo from Real People of Wales Award!We''l be waiting fot other photos!So stay tuned!:)

giovedì 29 luglio 2010


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C'è una piccola sorpresa sul nostro forum!!!!

Andate a vedere cos'è ...... ;) (ve lo consiglio)

-------------------------> QUI

mercoledì 28 luglio 2010

Lee Ryan – Heat Podcast

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Ecco l'intervista di Lee ieri a radio Heat!Lee ha parlato del suo cd in uscita,(probabilmente ad Ottobre,) del prossimo cd dei Blue, previsto per il prossimo anno(su cui i ragazzi già stanno lavorando!).Inoltre ha parlato di Twitter che gli permette di restare in contatto con i suoi fans...

Lee's interview at heat radio. Lee talks about his album,Blue's new album and about more other things...

lunedì 26 luglio 2010

Another video Lee busking in London!

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Ecco un altro video di Lee a covent garden! :)

Another video of Lee in Covent garden! :) :)

source AllriseforLee (congrats!!)

Lee and Anotny at Pitp Yesterday / photos

0 commenti

Le foto ieri a party, non sono carini insieme???

Lee and Ant yesterday at party in the park, aren't they so cute??

--------------------------> Le altre foto qui/More photos here

domenica 25 luglio 2010

Lee Ryan Pitp with Antony Costa!

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Oggi Lee si è esibito a pitp( party in the park:) e a lui si è aggiunto anche Antony!Hanno cantato insieme!:) :) :)

Today Lee permorfed at pitp(party in the park:) , with Antony,too!:) :) :) :)

Source AllriseforLee! (thanks)

venerdì 23 luglio 2010

Photo I am who I am single!

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Ecco le foto del singolo di I am who I am di Lee, davanti e dietro...non sono bellissime? che ne pensate? e voi l'avete comprato? :)

I am who I am single's photos!They're wonderful, aren't they? What do u think? Have you got it??:)

Lee at beer and pizz club!

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Lee ieri al "beer and pizza club!" , spero arrivino altre foto presto!:)

Lee yesterday at "beer and pizza club" I hope there'll be other photos soon!

giovedì 22 luglio 2010

Bring Lee Ryan's Music in Italy Petition, News!

0 commenti

Ciao a tutti!volevo informarvi che la petizione sta andando avanti, siamo riusciti ad ottenere l'attenzione di Lee e Ant che hanno RT il nostro tweet, quindi sono a conoscenza della nostra petizione! Adesso siamo arrivati a 131 firme! speriamo di continuare così, mi raccomando, continuate così e firmate...
grazie a tutti quelli che hanno già firmato! :) :)

Hey all!I just want you to know that we're trying to do our best for let everybody know about the petition!
The other day Lee and Ant RT our tweet so they know what we're doing!Now we're 131!!Please please sign.
Thanks a lot to everybody for signing!! :)

martedì 20 luglio 2010

The secret of Antony Costa's two stone weight loss!

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As part of boyband Blue, Antony Costa has always been known for his looks as well as his voice - but after a few too many celebrity parties, the weight had started to creep on, little by little. And it wasn't until the 28-year-old watched himself on TV that he suddenly realised just how far things had gone.

'It took me appearing on a TV show,' he reveals. 'Seeing myself, I thought that I needed to do something about it. I thought I was happy in myself but I wasn't. I used to go out with friends and blokes would abuse me on the street, call me fat Greek boy. It does affect you, of course, but I never did anything about it because I thought I was all right.'

The singer says he had always struggled with his weight. 'I was the type of person who looked at a biscuit and put weight on. It's not like I ate rubbish or greasy food, I picked. I'd have a packet of crisps and a sandwich, then think I'll have another sandwich because the last one was an hour ago,' he explains.

My diet downfall was booze, going out for celebrity parties, drinking the wine, the champagne. In my head I thought if I eat healthily, go to the gym, but then I'd go out that night and get drunk.'

And Antony admits that he was tempted by the quick fix of fad diets to shape up. 'I read a magazine and one of the supermodels was doing a chocolate diet, where all you have is chocolate. I thought I'll try that, until I spoke to my mum who said no, that defeats the object!'

Instead he credits his incredible two stone weight loss since January to finding a diet to suit his personality type, his own dedication in sticking to it, and a helping hand from a supplement, Appesat, which contains seaweed extract and has been shown to help people feel full and therefore eat less.

He started by taking a questionnaire on his eating habits and discovering he was an 'Auto Eater', who thinks they're being healthy but are actually consuming more calories than they realise.

---------------------------------------------------------------->Watch the video/ guarda il video!

DOWNLOAD: Don't Stop Believing

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Dont Stop Believing first live show 18/07/10

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lunedì 19 luglio 2010

Blue All rise LIVE 2009 reunion! HQ!

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Abbiamo trovato sul youtube un video della performance del ragazzi fatta per celebrare la loro riunione!!Trovo che siano fantastici!!!!e voi??

We've found a video of the boys' performance in 2009 to celebrate the reunion! I think they're amazing! and you??

sabato 17 luglio 2010

Bring Lee Ryan's Music in Italy Petition!

0 commenti
In aggiunta con il nostro gruppo su Facebook, abbiamo creato una petizione su Twitter!!Mi raccomando segnatevi in tantiiii!!! Vogliamo che il cd di Lee esca anche in Italia!!

We've created a petition, because we want Lee's music in Italy!! Please sing it and help us! It's really important, we want to support him as much as possible!!!

More photos Lee's birthday! The Ivy restaurant!

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Altre foto/More photos here

Ecco altre foto del compleanno di Lee!! 17/06/2010

More photos of Lee's birthday!!!

venerdì 16 luglio 2010

Duncan James chats about Don't Stop Believing (July 2010)

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giovedì 15 luglio 2010

Duncan e il gufo!

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Dopo avervi mostrato pochi giorni fa Duncan James in compagnia di un lama, oggi tocca ad un gufo, dalle dimensioni abnormi, almeno rispetto alla sua piccola Tianie, come ci fa notare lui stesso nel suo commento su twitter:
Look at the size of that owl compared to my little girl!!!!