
venerdì 30 luglio 2010

Simon Webbe - interview

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Simon Webbe ha rilasciato una lunga intervista per
What was fascinating about meeting Simon was his humbleness and honesty. Although he's sold twenty million records with his band Blue, and a million as a solo artist, although as a first theatre job he landed the lead role in the London West End production of Sister Act, he kept stating that he wasn't talented and couldn't figure out how it has all happened to him, a guy from Manchester who cannot really use five syllables words. But once seeing him on stage the answer presents itself: sex appeal, confidence and talent. He has the unique ability of making each one of the thousand spectators feel special "my job is to entertain, to make you forget about all your troubles, and at the same time I forget mine. My job is to make you happy."

Duncan James on finding new musical talent

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Dunc ha appena iniziato a fare il giudice in un nuovo programma Don't stop believing!!

Duncan James has taken on a new role as a judge on a new talent show called Don’t Stop Believing.

Legally Blonde cd!

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Novità in arrivo!Uscirà presto il cd tratto dal musical Legally Blonde che Dunc ha appena terminato!:) Io non vedo l'ora di ascoltarlo, e voi?:)

Sheridan Smith, Duncan James, Alex Gaumond, and Jill Halfpenny will celebrate the release of the original London cast recording of Legally Blonde the Musical with a CD-signing at the Dress Circle on August 21 from noon-1pm. An additional special guest for the event will be announced at a later date.

The recording of the musical will be released by First Night Records on August 16 by First Night Records. The album was recorded live at the Savoy Theatre and features 18 tracks.

Legally Blonde has a book by Heather Hach and music and lyrics by husband-and-wife team Nell Benjamin and Laurence O’Keefe.

For further information, visit: Dress Circle.

Simon's new album!!

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Da un recente Twett di Simon sembra proprio che il suo terzo album sia pronto!!!Tenete gli occhi aperti allora..... :) :)

It seems like Sy's new abum is ready!Hope to hear it soon!:) :) :)

my album is complete all I have to do is mix and master now.

Real People Of Wales Awards 29-07-10

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Ecco una foto di ieri al Real People of Wales Award!Speriamo ci siano presto altre foto!:) :)

Here it is a photo from Real People of Wales Award!We''l be waiting fot other photos!So stay tuned!:)

giovedì 29 luglio 2010


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C'è una piccola sorpresa sul nostro forum!!!!

Andate a vedere cos'è ...... ;) (ve lo consiglio)

-------------------------> QUI

mercoledì 28 luglio 2010

Lee Ryan – Heat Podcast

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Ecco l'intervista di Lee ieri a radio Heat!Lee ha parlato del suo cd in uscita,(probabilmente ad Ottobre,) del prossimo cd dei Blue, previsto per il prossimo anno(su cui i ragazzi già stanno lavorando!).Inoltre ha parlato di Twitter che gli permette di restare in contatto con i suoi fans...

Lee's interview at heat radio. Lee talks about his album,Blue's new album and about more other things...

lunedì 26 luglio 2010

Another video Lee busking in London!

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Ecco un altro video di Lee a covent garden! :)

Another video of Lee in Covent garden! :) :)

source AllriseforLee (congrats!!)

Lee and Anotny at Pitp Yesterday / photos

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Le foto ieri a party, non sono carini insieme???

Lee and Ant yesterday at party in the park, aren't they so cute??

--------------------------> Le altre foto qui/More photos here

domenica 25 luglio 2010

Lee Ryan Pitp with Antony Costa!

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Oggi Lee si è esibito a pitp( party in the park:) e a lui si è aggiunto anche Antony!Hanno cantato insieme!:) :) :)

Today Lee permorfed at pitp(party in the park:) , with Antony,too!:) :) :) :)

Source AllriseforLee! (thanks)

venerdì 23 luglio 2010

Photo I am who I am single!

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Ecco le foto del singolo di I am who I am di Lee, davanti e dietro...non sono bellissime? che ne pensate? e voi l'avete comprato? :)

I am who I am single's photos!They're wonderful, aren't they? What do u think? Have you got it??:)

Lee at beer and pizz club!

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Lee ieri al "beer and pizza club!" , spero arrivino altre foto presto!:)

Lee yesterday at "beer and pizza club" I hope there'll be other photos soon!

giovedì 22 luglio 2010

Bring Lee Ryan's Music in Italy Petition, News!

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Ciao a tutti!volevo informarvi che la petizione sta andando avanti, siamo riusciti ad ottenere l'attenzione di Lee e Ant che hanno RT il nostro tweet, quindi sono a conoscenza della nostra petizione! Adesso siamo arrivati a 131 firme! speriamo di continuare così, mi raccomando, continuate così e firmate...
grazie a tutti quelli che hanno già firmato! :) :)

Hey all!I just want you to know that we're trying to do our best for let everybody know about the petition!
The other day Lee and Ant RT our tweet so they know what we're doing!Now we're 131!!Please please sign.
Thanks a lot to everybody for signing!! :)

martedì 20 luglio 2010

The secret of Antony Costa's two stone weight loss!

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As part of boyband Blue, Antony Costa has always been known for his looks as well as his voice - but after a few too many celebrity parties, the weight had started to creep on, little by little. And it wasn't until the 28-year-old watched himself on TV that he suddenly realised just how far things had gone.

'It took me appearing on a TV show,' he reveals. 'Seeing myself, I thought that I needed to do something about it. I thought I was happy in myself but I wasn't. I used to go out with friends and blokes would abuse me on the street, call me fat Greek boy. It does affect you, of course, but I never did anything about it because I thought I was all right.'

The singer says he had always struggled with his weight. 'I was the type of person who looked at a biscuit and put weight on. It's not like I ate rubbish or greasy food, I picked. I'd have a packet of crisps and a sandwich, then think I'll have another sandwich because the last one was an hour ago,' he explains.

My diet downfall was booze, going out for celebrity parties, drinking the wine, the champagne. In my head I thought if I eat healthily, go to the gym, but then I'd go out that night and get drunk.'

And Antony admits that he was tempted by the quick fix of fad diets to shape up. 'I read a magazine and one of the supermodels was doing a chocolate diet, where all you have is chocolate. I thought I'll try that, until I spoke to my mum who said no, that defeats the object!'

Instead he credits his incredible two stone weight loss since January to finding a diet to suit his personality type, his own dedication in sticking to it, and a helping hand from a supplement, Appesat, which contains seaweed extract and has been shown to help people feel full and therefore eat less.

He started by taking a questionnaire on his eating habits and discovering he was an 'Auto Eater', who thinks they're being healthy but are actually consuming more calories than they realise.

---------------------------------------------------------------->Watch the video/ guarda il video!

DOWNLOAD: Don't Stop Believing

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Dont Stop Believing first live show 18/07/10

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lunedì 19 luglio 2010

Blue All rise LIVE 2009 reunion! HQ!

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Abbiamo trovato sul youtube un video della performance del ragazzi fatta per celebrare la loro riunione!!Trovo che siano fantastici!!!!e voi??

We've found a video of the boys' performance in 2009 to celebrate the reunion! I think they're amazing! and you??

sabato 17 luglio 2010

Bring Lee Ryan's Music in Italy Petition!

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In aggiunta con il nostro gruppo su Facebook, abbiamo creato una petizione su Twitter!!Mi raccomando segnatevi in tantiiii!!! Vogliamo che il cd di Lee esca anche in Italia!!

We've created a petition, because we want Lee's music in Italy!! Please sing it and help us! It's really important, we want to support him as much as possible!!!

More photos Lee's birthday! The Ivy restaurant!

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Altre foto/More photos here

Ecco altre foto del compleanno di Lee!! 17/06/2010

More photos of Lee's birthday!!!

venerdì 16 luglio 2010

Duncan James chats about Don't Stop Believing (July 2010)

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giovedì 15 luglio 2010

Duncan e il gufo!

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Dopo avervi mostrato pochi giorni fa Duncan James in compagnia di un lama, oggi tocca ad un gufo, dalle dimensioni abnormi, almeno rispetto alla sua piccola Tianie, come ci fa notare lui stesso nel suo commento su twitter:
Look at the size of that owl compared to my little girl!!!!

Don't Stop Beliving - Promo Shoot (2010)

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Vote for Lee!

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Votate numerosi per Lee come Mr Twitter! E' semplicissimo, basta andare in questa pagina e scrivere @LeeRyanMusic.
Vote now for Lee as Mr Twitter. It's very easy, just go to this page and write @LeeRyanMusic.

mercoledì 14 luglio 2010

Official twitter: BLUE IS COMING!!!!!!

2 commenti
Dal twitter ufficiale dei Blue arriva la notizia che attendevamo da sempre
Cosa ne pensate? Quali sono le vostre emozioni ora?
Venite nel nostro forum a commentare insieme a noi *-*

Don't Stop Believing Photocall 13-07-10

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-more photos here-

martedì 13 luglio 2010


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lunedì 12 luglio 2010

Lee Ryan "Confessions" album release petition!

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firmate questa petizione on line per far sì che l''album di Lee Confession possa essere pubblicato! La casa discografica ( più che discutibile direi io -.-) di Lee non vuole pubblicarlo perchè il singolo di IAWIA ha raggiunto solo la 33 posizione in nella classifica di I-tunes! Uniamoci tutti quanti per contrastare questa decisione! perché Lee ci ha lavorato tantissimo e si merita che il suo lavoro venga pubblicato!!

Hey everyone! As you may know, Lee’s I Am Who I Am didn’t get to the TOP30 – it’s #33, which means that the record label will not release the Confessions album! We all know how hard Lee has been working to create it, how much heart he has put in it and how much it means to him. We belive, now our duty is to help Lee in other way than only buying his music.We have been waiting for it for so long, let’s make our and Lee’s wish come true! Click on the banner above to read and sign our petition to Geffen Records. It literally takes one minute to do it and belive us, every one signature matters! Tell your friends about it, spread it all over the world! Come one guys, let’s do everything we can to get the album released!


Bird bash Launch 10/07/20010

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Altre foto qui / More photos here!

domenica 11 luglio 2010

Lee at Breakfast!

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Lee Ryan from Blue – he was the cheeky chappy who was always in the papers and gossip mags pictured leaving nightclubs with various ladies on his arm – and why not!
He’s got a new song out now – “I Am Who I Am”, and an album on the way, so he came in for a chat about life and what he’s been up to since the Blue days, if he’s got any regrets, and why his album is a bit liike a takeaway…
You can listen to the interview below. He also did an accoustic version of the new song (and the B-Side) for us:

sabato 10 luglio 2010

Bring Lee Ryan's Music In Italy

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Visto che non è prevista (almeno per ora) nessuna pubblicazione di Lee in Italia e visto che purtroppo "I Am Who I Am" sta precipitando in classifica e noi da qui non abbiamo modo di acquistare e aiutare l'ep, abbiamo deciso di aprire questa iniziativa in modo da trovare insieme un modo per poter acquistare anche noi qui dall'Italia il singolo. Per tutte le info potere seguirci sul sito o sull'apposita pagina di facebook dove vi preghiamo di iscrivervi numerosi in modo da aiutarci!

We created an official group to promote and try to buy and release Lee Ryan's music in Italy. We need his music so please help us in our project! Follow us on facebook.

Duncan on twitter

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Nuova foto di Duncan sul suo twitter in compagnia di un... lama!
Me and a lama! Such a funny animal with a real snooty look on his face.

Duncan per Bam Bags

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Il nostro Duncan è uno dei testimonial della serie di borse di Bam Bags.
Our Duncan is one of the testimonial of the bags "Bam Bags".
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venerdì 9 luglio 2010

I Am Who I Am Acoustic from West Yorkshire's The Pulse Radio and loose women!

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Interview with gaydarnation!

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The luscious Lee Ryan confesses all about going solo and how his new single ‘I Am Who I Am’ relates to the gay community.

Firstly - given the title of your upcoming album Confessions - tell us something about yourself that you haven’t told another interviewer...

Mmm, god, that’s a difficult one - I’m pretty open. I don’t like salt. I really don’t like salt and vinegar crisps or anything like that or if I get chips and they smother them in salt it makes me sick. Anything really salty I’m not into, though I do like savoury foods in general.

Tell us a bit about the new single ‘I Am Who I Am’ – what can we expect?
The single ‘I Am Who I Am’ is a song written by Jamie Hartman from Ben’s Brother. It was originally on his album but I recorded it about four years ago before he put it on his album. When I heard it I related it to it completely and I think a lot of people really relate to this song, particularly the gay community.

Is the single representative of the album Confessions as a whole?

I think that 'I Am Who I Am' is definitely the backbone of the album if I could put it like that. I think it sets the standard of what I want to say.

Are there any particular moments or tracks on the album that resonate with you in a special way?

There are a few songs on the album that are really, really close to me. There is one called ‘Lonely Traveller's Tear’ that I love and which I wrote that is really close to me. There’s one called ‘Miscommunication of the Heart’ that is very close to me.

I’d say all of it really means something to me and that’s the reason I’ve written it. They’ve all got a special meaning to me and there are some songs that are more personal than others but pretty much every single one of them have something about me.

What was the album like to record?
The album took four to five years to record and has been an amazing journey. A hard journey. There’s been a lot of anguish and a lot of angst to get it out there, but I worked hard and I think it proves that persistence works.

It’s your second solo album – what is it about working alone that you like so much?
I don’t absolutely love working on my own. I love the boys and I can’t wait to be back with the boys from Blue. It’s going to be fun. I just think as a solo artist you get to express yourself more and get to say something you’ve never said before. I think this is my chance to really say what I mean.

It’s been almost 10 years since Blue first formed. After that many years in the music industry, what advice would you give to yourself just starting out?

I’d say, I don’t know, I was always pretty driven as a kid but if I could give myself any advice I’d say think before you speak, but then again I could give myself that advice today let alone 10 years ago.

So, do you hit the gay clubs much on a night out?
I’ve been to loads of gay clubs as I have lots of gay friends and I love gay clubs - they’re really fun and the people are really cool. Everyone’s always up for a laugh.

Finish the sentence: A good night out starts with...
A couple of shots!

It ends with...
Those couple of shots coming back out. [Laughs].

Do you have a funny tour story to share with us?

The book's coming out soon, £13.99, check it out!

What comes first for you – sex or love?
Definitely love.

What makes you happy?

What makes you angry?
I don’t like watching the news, it makes me angry.

If we were to buy you a drink at the bar, what would you ask for?
I’d ask for a vodka and tonic with lemon or a dirty martini.

Anything to add?
Thanks GaydarNation.

giovedì 8 luglio 2010

"This isn’t a very truthful industry, so I’m always going to stand out."

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"This isn’t a very truthful industry, so I’m always going to stand out."

Lee Ryan's on the handsfree...

Lee’s got a record out, but what’s he got to say for himself?


Hello Lee. You’re driving - where to?

I’m on my way to Leeds - I’ve got a gig up there which has just come in. It’s a little corporate event. Well they’re like your bread and butter.

More than record sales?

Well I don’t know - you can still make a lot of money through records sales, I think. You’ve got PRS and things like that. As a singer you’ve got a lot of streams of income that you could take from. I think what’s different these days is the structure of record labels, and how they make their money. Record sales are declining across the board but now they’re more into touring and merchandise. Touring’s very strong - you can’t download that experience, can you.

What are your live plans now?

I love playing live, I really do. At the moment I’m just waiting to see how this single does, to be completely honest. It’s such a nerve-wracking time. I’ve worked for four years to get to this place right now. I’m just so nervous about it. I’ve worked so long and so hard and taken different routes, and turned down a lot of other offers because they didn’t feel right... Then I got the right offer from Colin (Barlow, at Geffen Records) and it just felt right. But it’s taken me a long, long time to get here.

You say you’re scared about how many it sells. Obviously musicians talk a lot about ‘I’m just happy to have made the music, it doesn’t matter how it sells’, isn’t that something you feel?

That’s bullshit. Am I happy that I’ve made music? Yes - I’m happy and I’m really proud of it and I listen to my album all the time, and my family and friends like it. But I don’t make music because I want my family and friends to like it - I want to share it with the world.

The other point being that if a single does well, it makes it more likely that you’ll get to release another.

Yes. It means I get to rele
ase the album, which is more important for me. I want the album to come out, I want people to hear the body of work that I’ve done. The first album I did, I didn’t write any of it, I just got given a lot of songs and I didn’t even know how to promote it because it didn’t make any sense to me. This time round I’ve really walked the walk, I’ve been to America, come back, been through turmoil and stress and anxiety, thinking I’d never be able to come back into this industry again, and I’ve had the opportunity to really take four years out of my life to come up with this album, so it means a lot to me.

Presumably part of that period was spent coming to terms with the fact that you’re never going to be as big as Blue were.

This album is more about what I’m trying to say.

So what are you trying to say?

I think I’m the backbone of this album. I think a lot of people have a misconception of who I am. It’s people in the industry and it’s people in the street. I was out the other day and I was walking through Hyde Park with my guitarist and we sat down and just started jamming with these people who were queuing for a Kings Of Leon concert. And we were sitting and talking with them and I said, ‘I’ve got a new single out’, and they said, ‘play us your new single then’, so I just started playing it with my guitarist, and they all said ‘wow man you can really sing and I love that song’. And one bloke went, ‘and I’ve got to be honest with you, I thought you were a knob but you’re actually quite nice’. The thing is I say stupid shit but it’s normally in jest. I don’t know why people take me so seriously sometimes, like I mean everything I say, or something.

continua a leggere/ keep reading

mercoledì 7 luglio 2010

Lee's favourite things!

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Devo dire che mi sento onorata che Lee ami così tanto la mia città!!:) :) Speriamo che torni presto in Italia!

I feel so proud that Lee loves so much my city!!!:) :) We hope that Lee will come back here in Italy soon!

I am who I am live! studio five! 6/07/10

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martedì 6 luglio 2010

Lee: "Blue will come back soon!"

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Former Blue singer Lee Ryan has just released his first solo single in the UK since 2005 and after taking a lengthy break from showbiz spotlight, MTV UK sat down with Mr. Ryan to find out all about his new offering and whether there is any truth to those Blue reunion rumours.

Since his latest attack on the charts, Lee has enjoyed a stint living in Hollywood, starred in film The Heavy alongside legendary actorGary Stretch and has become a father to daughter Bluebell and son Rayn.

Speaking exclusively to MTV, Ryan told us the reason behind releasing the Ben’s Brotherpenned track I Am Who I Am as a double a-side with alternative dance song Secret Love.

Lee explained: "I decided to release the two tracks together because it shows diversity of the album because one is a dance track, a lot of people are saying it’s a dance album so we kind of scrapped it and said lets go to a double a-side and come up with a ballad."

He continued: "I think it was a great idea. I think people are intrigued to see what’s in the middle of the album to see the big up tempo tracks like Secret Love compared with the slow down tempo of I Am Who I Am and people want to see what else is on the album, it’s created a lot of interest."

Whilst on the subject of his new LP Confessions, Lee claimed that the follow-up record to his self-entitled top 10 album of five years ago was 'very honest.'

The When I Think Of You hit maker told us: "The album is very honest. There is stuff on the album that shows diversity and there are other songs on there that are very much in your face about what they’re trying to tell you. It’s a good balance. You can’t do a whole album of either one of them.”

During our chat, Lee also had a message for all you Blue fans out there, claiming that despite their solo ventures, the group will be returning in the near future and have already started working with a certain US R n B superstar.

Lee revealed to us: "We are coming back, we’re going to do another album. I can’t wait! We’ve already got some material in the bag, which we have been working on with Ne-Yo."

"I’ve worked with Ne-Yo for about five years and we’ve got some really good tracks. We will be recording more this year."

He added: "I don’t know when we’re going to be releasing right now but we’re gonna be coming back, there’s going to be a tour. You’re gonna be seeing Blue back very soon.”

Lee's new single I Am Who I Am/Secret Love is out now.

By Joanne Dorken

lunedì 5 luglio 2010

Lee TODAY on Studio 5!

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15 questions!!

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Lee Ryan Answers The 15 Questions We Ask Everyone:

Lee Ryan might have only been in our office a few weeks ago, but since his new single, I Am Who I Am is out today, we thought we'd get him on the blower to answer the 15 questions we ask everyone.

Hello there little monster, what are you up to?

Thank you very much, I’m great. I’m doing promo on the new single

So, tell me a bit about what you’re here to promote?

I’m here to promote my new single and album that are coming out, the single is'I Am Who I Am' and 'Secret Love' which is out on July 5th.

And if we didn’t have any clue as to who you were, what three words sum you up?

Singer, Blue, voice

And as Jacko had the Moonwalk and Elvis had the snake hips, what do you have that makes you unique?

The range of my voice - I have a big range as a singer it makes me stand out. It’s often something people ask me about.

I reckon if I was a girl I’d fancy Johnny Depp – he’s pretty cool.

Now, clearly we need to get to know each other more, so tell me an interesting fact about you that no one else knows?

I have to have aftershave in my car. I actually have Gucci aftershave in the glove box that is just for the car, to make it smell nice. I don’t like people smoking or eating food in my car, I could almost be a cabbie!

What song do you wish you’d written?

I wish that I’d written John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’.

If I was contemplating coming to your show or sitting at home and TV, how would you convince me to come out?

I‘d say that if you come to one of my shows you’ll really get to connect with me on stage cos I really love to connect with my audience. Sometimes I chat too much on stage as well, I end up telling lots of jokes like I’m a stand-up comedian which can be really embarrassing.

And if you were to take me on a trip to your hometown, what would be the first place we’d go?

I wouldn’t take you to my old hometown as we might end up getting mugged. We wouldn’t do that.

Who was the last person you called / text and what for?

I text Sami (my fiancé) to say that we’re all good to move into our new home. She was really happy.

If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower?

If I was a super hero I’d want to be the man of peace so that I could click my fingers and the world would be at peace.

If you had to date a member of the same sex (or opposite sex if the case may be) who would it be? Mine would ALWAYS be Angelina Jolie.

Mmmm, Is this a bit of a trick question? Ha Ha. I reckon if I was a girl I’d fancy Johnny Depp – he’s pretty cool. I wish I looked like Johnny Depp.

What was the last thing you bought?

The last thing I bought was some clothes, I’m always buying clothes I’m terrible.

Have you ever been arrested?


Speaking of prison - if you were to send someone to prison for crimes against music, who would it be?

The Cheeky Girls

What were you doing last night at 11?

On the motorway listening to Heart radio, hoping to hear my single.

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